Friday, June 3, 2011

Manifestation Anticipation Appreciation

Today, the second day of my self imposed challenge of 30 thanks in 30 days (see yesterday's blog), after writing my 2nd "Thank You" letter, I found myself inspired to take gratitude to a whole new level, manifestation anticipation! I firmly believe that we create our own reality. So then, why not make it a "kick ass" one by focusing on what I want, instead of one that kicks my ass because I'm focusing on what I don't want?!

With a deep cleansing breath I started dreaming with no judgements about what was or wasn't possible. I just started writing my list from an appreciation viewpoint, much like a game of pretend. Although I see no evidence now of what I desire, I'm grateful for it's existence already...Manifestation Anticipation Appreciation! Follow along and let's see what happens.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

30 days 30 "Thank You's"

We all want to be appreciated for what we do, even more so I believe, for the unique individuals we are. There has never been and never will again be anyone exactly like you! We are fascinated with the uniqueness of snowflakes and yet tend to take for granted the exceptional being each of us is. Let's share our appreciation for those we love and yes, even those we despise.

Join me in a feast of appreciation for 30 days. Doesn't matter when you start just do it. Begin with you!! I prefer a pen & paper, a hand written note is a rarity in these days of awesome technology and is sure to be treasured by those receiving your gratitude. So, mail yourself a letter (complete with stamp) and don't hold back. Thank yourself for any and everything you can think of that you appreciate about yourself. Even though you will have written it, you'll be amazed at how great it feels to open it up and read it.

Then spread the love! Make a list of 29 people ahead of time or just let your inspiration guide you...or make a list AND let inspiration guide you too. Speak from your heart and let it choose your words. Breathe deeply, relax and enjoy the experience.

For those of you who have developed an allergy to pen and paper or are addicted to technology, email if you must, text message if you have to, call or even visit with the intention of expressing your appreciation. Tell them what you're doing and then pour out your heart. Once a day every day!

If you forget, don't worry about catching up just keep on going until you've done it for 30 days. If you find yourself lying in bed at night realizing that you forgot just name that person and mentally thank them until you can get to your letter. Falling asleep while expressing gratitude...what a way to end your day!

Appreciation Celebration!!!

It's my birthday month and I'm so grateful for this life that I'm going to CELEBRATE!! So starting today and continuing throughout the month of June, I'm increasing my appreciation vibration. I'll share stories, quotes, studies and the results of my own personal gratitude "experiment," my gifts to you. Consider this your "Appreciation Celebration" invitation :-D  C'mon invite everyone you know and let's change the world as we know it. The more the merrier! Who's in?